Naturally Occurring Asbestos Deposits
Claims based upon asbestos exposure have been filed for over 40 years and Plaintiffs have collected billions of dollars in compensation. As a result of the number of claims and monies paid, it is believed that 96 Companies have filed bankruptcy due to litigation involving asbestos exposure. As a result, the parties sued and number of parties sued is ever changing. A typical complaint included fewer than 30 Defendants in the 1990s and rose to include 60 between 2003 and 2006. More recently, the number of named Defendants has fallen to around 40. With fewer defendants being named and identified during depositions, it has never been more important to explore alternative avenues of exposure. There are natural asbestos-bearing mineral deposits spread across the United States – from Staten Island to the foothills of the Sierras in California and abroad.
During depositions of Plaintiffs and family members, it is becoming more imperative that we obtain an accurate and thorough list of addresses in which Plaintiff has lived during his lifetime. As research is ever evolving and new asbestos-bearing mineral deposits are discovered, a location that may not be of concern today may be extremely important by the time trial occurs.
Feb 02, 2015